3.6.4-RC1-bin-20241220-0bfa1af-NIGHTLY 2024-12-21

COMPILER failure in analogweb/analogweb-scala @ 0.13.0
COMPILER failure in andyglow/typesafe-config-scala @ 2.0.0
COMPILER failure in apache/pekko @ 1.1.2
COMPILER failure in apache/pekko-connectors @ 1.1.0-M1
COMPILER failure in atedeg/mdm @ 4.0.0
COMPILER failure in babylonhealth/lit-fhir @ 0.14.17
COMPILER failure in benhutchison/scalaswingcontrib @ 1.9
COMPILER failure in bilal-fazlani/zio-maelstrom @ 2.0.0
COMPILER failure in business4s/decisions4s @ 0.0.1
COMPILER failure in carlos-verdes/zio-arangodb @ 0.3.6
BUILD:mill failure in carlosedp/zio-channel @ 0.7.0
COMPILER failure in dobrynya/zio-jms @ 0.2
COMPILER failure in durban/choam @ 0.4.9
DOC failure in durban/choam @ 0.4.9
PUBLISH failure in durban/choam @ 0.4.9
COMPILER failure in fingo/spata @ 3.2.1
COMPILER failure in geirolz/toolkit @ 0.1.0-RC4
COMPILER failure in getkyo/kyo @ 0.15.1
COMPILER failure in http4s/http4s-armeria @ 1.0.0-M7
COMPILER failure in indoorvivants/genovese @ 0.0.3
COMPILER failure in johnhungerford/generic-schema @ 1.2.0
COMPILER failure in katrix/dataprism @ 0.1.0
DOC failure in katrix/dataprism @ 0.1.0
PUBLISH failure in katrix/dataprism @ 0.1.0
COMPILER failure in kory33/s2mc-test @ 0.2.3
COMPILER failure in kostaskougios/terminal21-restapi @ 0.30
COMPILER failure in kubukoz/slick-effect @ 0.6.0
COMPILER failure in lowmelvin/hammer-scala @ 0.2.0
COMPILER failure in novamage/rtw @ 1.0.0-alpha.2
COMPILER failure in novamage/typed-map @ 1.0.0-alpha.2
COMPILER failure in nrinaudo/kantan.parsers @ 1.0.6
COMPILER failure in otavia-projects/otavia @ 0.4.5
COMPILER failure in paulbutcher/scalamock @ 6.0.0
COMPILER failure in pityka/lamp @ 0.0.116
COMPILER failure in playframework/omnidoc @ 2.9.0-RC2
COMPILER failure in playframework/playframework @ 3.0.6
DOC failure in playframework/playframework @ 3.0.6
PUBLISH failure in playframework/playframework @ 3.0.6
COMPILER failure in playframework/twirl @ 2.1.0-M2
COMPILER failure in pureconfig/pureconfig @ 0.17.8
COMPILER failure in reactivemongo/reactivemongo-streaming @ 1.1.0-RC13
DOC failure in reactivemongo/reactivemongo-streaming @ 1.1.0-RC13
PUBLISH failure in reactivemongo/reactivemongo-streaming @ 1.1.0-RC13
COMPILER failure in rescala-lang/rescala @ 0.37.0
COMPILER failure in ruippeixotog/akka-testkit-specs2 @ 0.3.2
COMPILER failure in sbt/sbt @ 2.0.0-M3
PUBLISH failure in sbt/sbt @ 2.0.0-M3
COMPILER failure in sbt/zinc @ 2.0.0-M3
COMPILER failure in scala-graph/scala-graph @ 2.0.2
COMPILER failure in scala-native/scala-native @ 0.5.6
BUILD:unknown failure in scalacenter/scala-debug-adapter @ 4.2.1
COMPILER failure in tminglei/slick-pg @ 0.22.2
COMPILER failure in xebia-functional/munit-compiler-toolkit @ 0.4.0
COMPILER failure in y-yu/excel-reads @ 0.4.2
COMPILER failure in yakivy/jam @ 0.4.5
COMPILER failure in zainab-ali/aquascape @ 0.3.0
COMPILER failure in zio/caliban-deriving @ 0.0.1

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.6.4-RC1-bin-20241220-0bfa1af-NIGHTLY [2]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
carlosedp/zio-channel 0.7.0 Open CB logs
scalacenter/scala-debug-adapter 4.2.1 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.6.4-RC1-bin-20241212-20e6f11-NIGHTLY [4]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
http4s/http4s-armeria 1.0.0-M6 -> 1.0.0-M7 Open CB logs
rescala-lang/rescala 0.36.0 -> 0.37.0 Open CB logs
sbt/sbt 1.7.0 -> 2.0.0-M3 Open CB logs
sbt/zinc 2.0.0-M1 -> 2.0.0-M3 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.6.4-RC1-bin-20241121-5d1d274-NIGHTLY [9]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
benhutchison/scalaswingcontrib 1.9 Open CB logs
indoorvivants/genovese 0.0.3 Open CB logs
kubukoz/slick-effect 0.6.0 Open CB logs
lowmelvin/hammer-scala 0.2.0 Open CB logs
paulbutcher/scalamock 6.0.0 Open CB logs
tminglei/slick-pg 0.22.2 Open CB logs
yakivy/jam 0.4.5 Open CB logs
durban/choam 0.4.4 -> 0.4.9 Open CB logs
getkyo/kyo 0.14.1 -> 0.15.1 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.6.3-RC1-bin-20241114-6a7d5d3-NIGHTLY [2]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
scala-native/scala-native 0.5.6 Open CB logs
pureconfig/pureconfig 0.17.7 -> 0.17.8 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.6.3-RC1-bin-20241107-caac72a-NIGHTLY [4]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
bilal-fazlani/zio-maelstrom 2.0.0 Open CB logs
business4s/decisions4s 0.0.1 Open CB logs
geirolz/toolkit 0.1.0-RC4 Open CB logs
zainab-ali/aquascape 0.3.0 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.6.2 [1]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
katrix/dataprism 0.1.0 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.6.2-RC1-bin-20241023-31e7359-NIGHTLY [1]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
otavia-projects/otavia 0.4.5 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.6.0-RC1-bin-20240912-8e9ded0-NIGHTLY [1]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
pityka/lamp 0.0.116 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.6.0-RC1-bin-20240905-f285199-NIGHTLY [1]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
playframework/playframework 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.6.0-RC1-bin-20240826-c0cfd0f-NIGHTLY [1]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
apache/pekko-connectors 1.1.0-M1 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.6.0-RC1-bin-20240815-99f431e-NIGHTLY [1]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
ruippeixotog/akka-testkit-specs2 0.3.2 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.5.1 [1]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
apache/pekko 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.5.1-RC1-bin-20240606-27a3f80-NIGHTLY [2]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
playframework/omnidoc 2.9.0-RC2 Open CB logs
reactivemongo/reactivemongo-streaming 1.1.0-RC12 -> 1.1.0-RC13 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.5.0 [1]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
xebia-functional/munit-compiler-toolkit 0.4.0 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.5.0-RC1-bin-20240502-05354ba-NIGHTLY [1]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
playframework/twirl 2.0.5 -> 2.1.0-M2 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.4.3-RC1 [2]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
kostaskougios/terminal21-restapi 0.30 Open CB logs
fingo/spata 3.2.0 -> 3.2.1 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.4.0-RC1-bin-20231207-16f1680-NIGHTLY [2]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
johnhungerford/generic-schema 1.2.0 Open CB logs
kory33/s2mc-test 0.2.3 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.3.5-RC1 [2]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
analogweb/analogweb-scala 0.13.0 Open CB logs
carlos-verdes/zio-arangodb 0.3.6 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.3.3 [1]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
zio/caliban-deriving 0.0.1 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.2.2 [4]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
andyglow/typesafe-config-scala 2.0.0 Open CB logs
babylonhealth/lit-fhir 0.14.17 Open CB logs
dobrynya/zio-jms 0.2 Open CB logs
y-yu/excel-reads 0.4.2 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.2.0 [1]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
nrinaudo/kantan.parsers 1.0.4 -> 1.0.6 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.1.3 [1]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
atedeg/mdm 4.0.0 Open CB logs

Projects with last successful builds using Scala with no successful builds data [3]:
Project Version Build URL Notes
novamage/rtw 1.0.0-alpha.2 Open CB logs
novamage/typed-map 1.0.0-alpha.2 Open CB logs
scala-graph/scala-graph 2.0.2 Open CB logs