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Pulumi Basics

Before we dive into the details of Besom, let's take a look at the basics of Pulumi. This page offers an executive summary of Pulumi's concepts.

What is Pulumi?

Pulumi is a modern infrastructure as code platform. It leverages existing programming languages and their native ecosystem to interact with cloud resources through the Pulumi SDK.

Pulumi is a registered trademark of Pulumi Corporation.

What is Besom?

Besom is a Pulumi SDK for Scala 3. It allows you to use Scala to define your infrastructure in a type-safe and functional way.

Besom does NOT depend on Pulumi Java SDK, it is a completely separate implementation.


Please pay attention to your dependencies, only use org.virtuslab::besom-* and not com.pulumi:*.


It is important to understand the basic concepts of Pulumi before we dive into the details of Besom. We strongly advise to get acquainted with Pulumi's concepts documentation as all of that information applies to Besom as well.

Pulumi uses programs to define resources that are managed using providers and result in stacks.

For more detailed information see how Pulumi works documentation section.


A Pulumi project consists of:

You run the Pulumi CLI command pulumi up from within your project directory to deploy your infrastructure.

Project source code is typically stored in a version control system such as Git. In addition to the project source code, Pulumi also stores a snapshot of the project state in the backend.

Besom projects are no different. You can use the same project structure and workflow as you would with other Pulumi SDKs. The only difference is that you use runtime: scala in your Pulumi.yaml with runtime options being:

  • binary - a path to pre-built executable JAR
  • use-executor - force a specific executor path instead of probing the project directory and PATH

A minimal Besom Pulumi.yaml project file:

name: Example Besom project file with only required attributes
runtime: scala


A Pulumi program, written in a general-purpose programming language, is a collection of resources that are deployed to form a stack.

A minimal Besom program consists of:

  • project.scala - the program dependencies (here we use Scala-CLI directives)
    //> using scala "3.3.1"
    //> using plugin "org.virtuslab::besom-compiler-plugin:0.1.0"
    //> using dep "org.virtuslab::besom-core:0.1.0"
  • Main.scala - the actual program written in Scala
    import besom.*

    @main def main = {
    log.warn("Nothing's here yet, it's waiting for you to write some code!")

Pass Context everywhere you are using Besom outside of block with (using besom.Context).


Pulumi stack is a separate, isolated, independently configurable instance of a Pulumi program, and can be updated and referred to independently. A project can have as many stacks as needed.

Projects and stacks are intentionally flexible so that they can accommodate diverse needs across a spectrum of team, application, and infrastructure scenarios. Learn more about organizing your code in Pulumi projects and stacks documentation.

By default, Pulumi creates a stack for you when you start a new project using the pulumi new command. Each stack that is created in a project will have a file named Pulumi.<stackname>.yaml in the root of the project directory that contains the configuration specific to this stack.

The stack is represented in a Besom program by a Stack datatype that user is expected to return from the main function. Stack is used to mark resources or values that stack depends on or that user wants to export as stack outputs. You can return a Stack that consists of exports only (for instance when everything you depend on is composed into a thing that you export in the final step) using Stack.export(x = a, y = b) or a Stack that has only dependencies when you don't want to export anything using Stack(x, y). You can also use some resources and export others using Stack(a, b).export(x = i, y = j) syntax.


The recommended practice is to check stack files into source control as a means of collaboration.
Since secret values are encrypted, it is safe to check in these stack settings.

Stack and project information from code

You can access Pulumi stack and project information from your program context using:

pulumiProject      // the Pulumi project name
pulumiOrganization // the Pulumi organization name
pulumiStack // the Pulumi stack name
urn // the Pulumi stack URN
Stack Outputs

Stacks can export values as Stack Outputs. These outputs are shown by Pulumi CLI commands, and are displayed in the Pulumi Cloud, and can be accessed programmatically using Stack References.

To export values from a stack in Besom, use the Stack.exports function in your program to assign exported values to the final Stack value.

Stack References

Stack Reference allows you to use outputs from other stacks in your program.

To reference values from another stack, create an instance of the StackReference type using the fully qualified name of the stack as an input, and then read exported stack outputs by their name.

Here's an example of how to use them:

@main def main = {
// ...
someOutput = "Hello world!",
@main def main = {
val otherStack = besom.StackReference("stackRef", StackReferenceArgs("organization/source-stack-test/my-stack-name"))
val otherStackOutput = otherStack.output[String]("someOutput")
// ...


Resources are the primary construct of Pulumi programs. Resources represent the fundamental units that make up your infrastructure, such as a compute instance, a storage bucket, or a Kubernetes cluster.

Resources are defined using a resource constructor. Each resource in Pulumi has:

  • a logical name and a physical name The logical name establishes a notion of identity within Pulumi, and the physical name is used as identity by the provider
  • a resource type, which identifies the provider and the kind of resource being created
  • Pulumi URN, which is an automatically constructed globally unique identifier for the resource.
val redisNamespace = Namespace(s"redis-cluster-namespace-$name") // the Pulumi ID - a physical name
redisNamespace.urn // the Pulumi URN - a globally unique identifier
redisNamespace.pulumiResourceName // the Pulumi resource name
redisNamespace.typeToken // the Pulumi resource type token // the logical name // the resource type

Each resource can also have:

  • a set of arguments that define the behavior of the resulting infrastructure
  • and a set of options that control how the resource is created and managed by the Pulumi engine.

Every resource is managed by a provider which is a plugin that provides the implementation details. If not specified explicitly, the default provider is used. Providers can be configured using provider configuration.

Static get functions can be used to look up any existing resource that is not managed by Pulumi. Here's an example of how to use it:

@main def main = {
val group = aws.ec2.SecurityGroup.get(name = "group", id = "sg-0dfd33cdac25b1ec9")

Inputs and Outputs

Inputs and Outputs are the primary asynchronous data types in Pulumi, and they signify values that will be provided by the engine later, when the resource is created and its properties can be fetched. Input[A] type is an alias for Output[A] type used by resource arguments. Inputs are very elastic in what they can receive to facilitate preview-friendly, declarative model of programming.

Outputs are values of type Output[A] and behave very much like monads. This is necessary because output values are not fully known until the infrastructure resource has actually completed provisioning, which happens asynchronously after the program has finished executing.

Outputs are used to:

  • automatically captures dependencies between resources
  • provide a way to express transformations on its value before it's known
  • defer the evaluation of its value until it's known
  • track the secretness of its value

Output transformations available in Besom:

  • map and flatMap methods take a callback that receives the plain value, and computes a new output
  • lifting directly read properties off an output value
  • interpolation concatenate string outputs with other strings directly
  • sequence method combines multiple outputs into a single output of a collection (parSequence variant is also available for explicit parallel evaluation)
  • zip method combines multiple outputs into a single output of a tuple
  • traverse method transforms a collection of values into a single output of a collection ((parTraverse variant is also available for explicit parallel evaluation))

To create an output from a plain value, use the Output constructor, e.g.:

val hello = Output("hello")
val world = Output.secret("world")

To transform an output value, use the map and flatMap methods, e.g.:

val hello = Output("hello").map(_.toUpperCase)
val world = Output.secret("world")
val helloWorld: Output[String] = hello.flatMap(h => h + "_" +

If you have multiple outputs of the same type and need to use them together as a list you can use Output.sequence method to combine them into a single output:

val port: Output[String] =
val host: Output[String] = node.hostname
val hello: Output[List[String]] = List(host, port).sequence // we use the extension method here

If you have multiple outputs of different types and need to use them together as a tuple you can use the standard zip method and pattern matching (case) to combine them into a single output:

val port: Output[Int] = pod.port
val host: Output[String] = node.hostname
val hello: Output[(String, Int)] =
val url: Output[String] = { case (hostname, portValue) => s"https://$hostname:$portValue/" }

If you have a map of outputs and need to use them together as a map you can use Output.traverse method to combine them into a single output:

val m: Map[String, Output[String]] = Map( -> pod.port)
val o: Output[Map[String, String]] = m.traverse // we use the extension method here

You can also use Output.traverse like that:

val names: List[String] = List("John", "Paul")
val outputNames: Output[List[String]] = names.traverse(name => Output(name))

To access String outputs directly, use the interpolator:

val port: Output[Int] = pod.port
val host: Output[String] = node.hostname
val https: Output[String] = p"https://$host:$port/api/"

We encourage you to learn more about relationship between resources and outputs in the Resource constructors and asynchronicity section.

Configuration and Secrets

Configuration or Secret is a set of key-value pairs that influence the behavior of a Pulumi program.

Configuration or secret keys use the format [<namespace>:]<key-name>, with a colon delimiting the optional namespace and the actual key name. Pulumi automatically uses the current project name from Pulumi.yaml as the default key namespace.

Configuration values can be set in two ways:

Accessing Configuration and Secrets from Code

Configuration and secret values can be accessed from programs using the Config.get* and Config.require* method family, e.g.:

val a: Output[Option[String]] = config.getString("aws:region")
val b: Output[String] = config.requireString("aws:profile")
val c: Output[Option[String]] = Config("aws").map(_.get("region"))

If the configuration value is a secret, it will be automatically marked internally as such and redacted in console outputs.

Structured Configuration is also supported in two flavors: JSON AST (config.getJson or config.requireJson) or object deserialization (config.getObject or config.requireObject) and can be used to read Pulumi configuration in more advanced use cases.


Secret values are automatically encrypted and stored in the Pulumi state.


Secrets in Besom differ in behavior from other Pulumi SDKs. In other SDKs, if you try to get a config key that is a secret, you will obtain it as plaintext (and due to a bug you won't even get a warning).

We choose to do the right thing in Besom and return all configs as Outputs so that we can handle failure in pure, functional way, and automatically mark secret values as secret Outputs.


A resource provider is a plugin that handles communications with a cloud service to create, read, update, and delete the resources you define in your Pulumi programs.

You import a Provider SDK (e.g. import library in you program, Pulumi passes your code to the language host plugin (i.e. pulumi-language-scala), waits to be notified of resource registrations, assembles a model of your desired state, and calls on the resource provider (e.g. pulumi-resource-aws) to produce that state. The resource provider translates those requests into API calls to the cloud service or platform.

Providers can be configured using provider configuration.


State is a snapshot of your project resources that is stored in a backend with Pulumi Service being the default.

State is used to:
