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Context and imports

Pulumi's Context is passed around implicitly via Scala's Context Function and only used by user-facing functions. The block exposes Context implicitly. All functions that belong to Besom program but are defined outside the block should have the following using clause: (using Context) or (using besom.Context) using a fully qualified name of the type.

Each Besom program file should have an import besom.* clause to bring all the user-facing types and functions into scope. If using a Cats-Effect or ZIO variant this import is respectively import besom.cats.* or import besom.zio.*.


Please pay attention to your dependencies, only use org.virtuslab::besom-* and not com.pulumi:*.
Besom does NOT depend on Pulumi Java SDK, it is a completely separate implementation.

Here's a sample:

import besom.*

// functions used in besom that are outside of ``
// have to have `(using Context)` parameter clause
def deployPostgres(dbName: String)(using Context): Output[Postgres] =

// `` <- the main entry point to a besom program
@main def run = {
val component = deployPostgres("my-db")

aComponentUrn =