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Getting started

To start your adventure with infrastructure-as-code with Scala follow these steps:

  1. Install Pulumi CLI:

    To install the latest Pulumi release, run the following (see full installation instructions for additional installation options):

    curl -fsSL | sh
  2. Install Scala CLI:

    To install the latest Scala CLI release, run the following (see installation instructions for additional installation options):

    curl -sSLf | sh
  3. Install Scala Language Plugin in Pulumi:

    To install the latest Scala Language Plugin release, run the following:

    pulumi plugin install language scala 0.3.1 --server github://
  4. Create a new project:

    You can start writing your Besom code at this point, but to help you set up Besom comes with Pulumi templates.

    You can get started with the pulumi new command:

    mkdir besom-demo && cd besom-demo
    pulumi new
  5. Deploy to the Cloud:

    Run pulumi up to get your code to the cloud:

    pulumi up

    This makes all cloud resources declared in your code. Simply make edits to your project, and subsequent pulumi ups will compute the minimal diff to deploy your changes.

  6. Use Your Program:

    Now that your code is deployed, you can interact with it. In the above example, we can find the name of the newly provisioned S3 bucket:

    pulumi stack output bucketName
  7. Destroy your Resources:

    After you're done, you can remove all resources created by your program:

    pulumi destroy -y

Choice of build tool and IDE

Besom uses Scala-CLI for project compilation and execution.

To set up IDE support for an infrastructural project using Besom execute this command inside the directory in which Besom project files exist:

scala-cli setup-ide .

As a result of this command, a .bsp directory will be created inside the project directory.

When opened, both Intellij IDEA and Metals should automatically recognize the project and set up the IDE accordingly.

sbt, gradle and maven are also supported out-of-the-box, but are not recommended due to slower iteration speed. Use of sbt, gradle or mvn support is suggested for situations where managed infrastructure is being added to an already existing project that uses sbt as the main build tool.

IDE setup for sbt, gradle or mvn works automatically with both Intellij IDEA and Metals.

Mill is not yet supported.