Using scala-yaml is very easy, all you have to do is import org.virtuslab.yaml.* and write derives YamlCodec after your case class definition. Then you're able to use following extension methods:

  • as[T] yields Either[YamlError, T] trying to convert String instance to the provided type T
  • asYaml converts your datatype into yaml-formatted String
import org.virtuslab.yaml.*

case class Address(city: String, zipcode: String) derives YamlCodec
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, address: Address) derives YamlCodec

val yaml = s"""name: John Wick
              |age: 40
              |  city: Anywhere
              |  zipcode: 12-345

val decoded =[Person]
// Either[YamlError, Person] = Right(Person(John Wick,40,Address(Anywhere,12-345)))

case class Activity(kind: String, distance: Seq[Double]) derives YamlCodec

val activity = Activity("running", Seq(5.37, 4.98, 5.73))
val encoded  = activity.asYaml
//kind: running
//  - 5.37
//  - 4.98
//  - 5.73

It is important not to omit derives YamlCodec in case class definition otherwise compiler will not be able to create codecs and will fail as shown below:

import org.virtuslab.yaml.*

case class Address(city: String, zipcode: String)
val address = Address("EŁk", "19-300")