Command Line Arguments

Bazel Steward is a command line application. You can use the arguments below if you are setting up Bazel Steward manually, or through the additional-args parameter in GitHub Actions.

    repository [.] -> Location of the local repository to scan (optional)
    --github -> Use GitHub as a platform (default: no platform)
    --no-remote, -n -> Do not push to remote (default: pushes to remote)
    --update-all-prs, -f -> Update all pull requests (force push even if PR is open and has no conflicts)
    --base-branch -> Branch that will be set as a base in each pull request (default: current branch)
    --config-path -> Path to the config file (default: `bazel-steward.yaml`)
    --no-internal-config -> Do not load the [internal default config](
    --analyze-only, -a -> Only analyze what updates are needed (useful if you want to manually update selected dependencies)