Search Paths

Bazel Steward uses Bazel directly to extract what versions is your repository using. It doesn’t parse the configuration directly. However it needs to use heuristics to find and update a place where the dependency was configured. This section is responsible for controlling where Bazel Steward looks for versions to replace.

    dependencies: "*"
      - "bazel/google_deps.bzl"
    kinds: maven
      - "3rdparty/jvm/*.BUILD.bazel"
    kinds: bazel
      - ".bazelversion"
      - ".github/**/*.yaml"

Available fields:

  • path-patterns (list of strings)
    Overrides paths where Bazel Steward will look for a version to update (it is used by version replacement mechanism, not version detection). A path pattern can either be:
    1. exact path: "exact:WORKSPACE.bazel"
    2. glob pattern: "glob:**/*.bzl"
    3. regex pattern: "regex:.*test.*/BUILD(.bazel)?"

    All paths are relative to the Bazel workspace root. The "exact:", "glob:", "regex:" prefixes are used to determine type of path pattern. They can usually be omitted and correct syntax should be detected automatically.

Bazel Steward cannot suggest an update of given dependency if it won’t be able to trace where it is defined.