
You can use Bazel Steward:

  • as a GitHub Action
  • directly, either from Maven Central or using a JAR from Github Releases - if you need to use other CI environment

GitHub Actions

This page will guide you through Github Actions configuration for Bazel Steward. It is the easies way to run it.

Bazel Steward will run basic Bazel queries, so any non standard environment that is required for your bootstrapping your Bazel workspace needs to be ready before running Bazel Steward.

Create a file at .github/workflows/ with this content:

name: Bazel Steward

    - cron: '30 5 * * *' # runs every day at 5:30 am

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0
      - uses: VirtusLab/bazel-steward@latest
          github-personal-token: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' # used for triggering workflows, read below

Make sure to allow Github Actions to create pull requests and give it write access so that Bazel Steward can push branches. You can find these settings under Settings / Actions / General / Workflow permissions.

After every run, it creates a new branch and a pull request with a bumped version for every library it detects to be outdated. You can merge the PR, close it, or push your changes into the branch. Once a PR is opened, Bazel Steward will never open another one for the same version, regardless of what you do with the PR.

Triggering workflows for pull requests

By design, GitHub Workflows don’t trigger on pull requests when they are created by GitHub Actions. To trigger workflows automatically, do one of the following:

  • set github-personal-token to your personal token (recommended, your token will be used only for closing/reopening pull requests).
  • set github-token to your personal token (every operation will be made in your name)
  • create GitHub app and use its token for github-token (the best option, but requires a bit of setup)

Fine-grained personal access tokens require Read and Write access to code and pull requests. Classic personal access tokens require repo and write:discussion permissions. Note, that the organization owner may restrict the kind of token you can use.

Read more about triggering workflows using personal tokens and setting up the GitHub app here.

Read more about personal tokens here.

Detailed usage

There are more variables that can be further used to customize how Bazel Steward is run:

- uses: VirtusLab/bazel-steward@latest
    # The path to Bazel Steward configuration
    # Default: "./bazel-steward.yaml"
    configuration-path: ''
    # A token for the GitHub repository
    # Default: $
    github-token: ''
    # An optional token for closing and reopening pull requests
    github-personal-token: ''
    # Additional arguments to Bazel Steward
    # Example: "--base-branch dev --update-all-prs"
    additional-args: ''    

Other Environments

Bazel Steward is just a JVM application. If it has access to Git, Bazel and expected tokens, you can simply run it as any other Java application and it will setup all pull requests according to the configuration.

First, check if environment where you plan to run Bazel Steward (for example a Jenkins server) meets all the requirements.

Environment Requirements

  • Bazel commands complete succesfully in the environment
    • It is best to run Bazel Steward in the same environment that is used for Bazel builds on your CI. Bazel needs to at least initialize correctly in your workspace to allow running queries.
    • If your repository uses pinned maven dependecies, you will want to run bazel run @unpinned_maven//:pin as an post-update-hook. This command also needs to be able to run correctly in your environment.
  • Git write access - for pushing branches (Bazel Steward only pushes its own branches, it doesn’t touch main branch or your pull requests)
  • Configure Git author in the environment (name and email) that will be used for creating branches
  • Configure GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable for fetching available rules versions (it can work without the token, but expect exceeding API limits)
  • Set --github flag - Bazel Steward now only works with GitHub as a platform. Without the flag, it will only push the branches, but is not able to check PR status or open/close them.
    • Set GITHUB_TOKEN env - necessary for PR management
    • Set GITHUB_REPOSITORY env to your repository location. Example value: VirtusLab/bazel-steward
    • Optionally set GITHUB_API_URL if you are not using the public GitHub. Default is

Bazel Steward is available in Maven Central and GitHub Releases.

Maven Central

Bazel Steward is published to Maven Central under org.virtuslab:bazel-steward. The main class to run it is (it is not present in the Manifest for now).

To easily run it, use Coursier.

coursier launch org.virtuslab:bazel-steward:1.6.0 --main -- --help

GitHub Releases

Bazel Steward publishes a fat JAR under GitHub Releases. The same JAR is also used in GitHub Actions. You can simply download it and run using the java command.

java -jar bazel-steward.jar --help