Post Update Hooks

Bazel Steward is able to run arbitrary commands and commit their effects into its pull requests. It is useful for running tools like buildifier or pinning dependencies.

  - kinds: maven
      - "REPIN=1 bazel run @unpinned_maven//:pin"
      - "maven_install.json"
    run-for: commit
  - commands: "buildifier --lint=fix -r ."
      - "**/*.bzl"
      - "**/BUILD.bazel"
      - "WORKSPACE"
    run-for: pull-request
    commit-message: "Apply buildifier"

Available fields:

  • commands (list of strings)
    List of commands to run after applying an update. Commands are run separately under sh -c
  • files to commit (list of strings)
    List of path patterns of files to commit after running the commands (syntax is the same as for search-paths.path-patterns).
  • run-for (string)
    Scope for running commands.
    1. commit - runs for each commit and includes changes in the commit
    2. pull-request - runs for the whole pull request, after creating all commits. It creates a separate commit with modified files. Message can be configured with the commit-message setting.