Configuration File

You can configure multiple aspects of Bazel Steward’s behavior for example how to treat specific dependencies or how to create pull requests.


By default, Bazel Steward looks for the configuration file in the root of the git repository under one of the following names:

  • .bazel-steward.yaml
  • bazel-steward.yaml
  • .bazel-steward.yml
  • bazel-steward.yml

To customize the file, you can use the --config-path option. Pass a relative path to the configuration file.

Example File

To quickly introduce yourself to the configuration format, take a look at the example below. Please read on below for detailed explanation of each field.

    kinds: maven
    dependencies: commons-io:commons-io
    versioning: loose
    bumping: minimal
    pin: "2.0."
    dependencies: io.get-coursier:interface
    versioning: semver
    bumping: latest
    dependencies: org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8
    versioning: regex:^(?<major>\d*)(?:[.-](?<minor>(\d*)))?(?:[.-]?(?<patch>(\d*)))?(?:[-.]?(?<preRelease>(\d*)))(?<buildMetaData>)?
      - org.jetbrains.kotlinx:*
    enabled: false
    versioning: loose
    dependencies: "*"
      - "bazel/google_deps.bzl"
    kinds: maven
      - "3rdparty/jvm/*.BUILD.bazel"
    kinds: bazel
      - ".bazelversion"
      - ".github/**/*.yaml"
    dependencies: "com.fasterxml.jackson*:*"
    group-id: jackson
    title: "[maintenance] Updated ${group}/${artifact} from ${versionFrom} to ${versionTo}"
    kinds: maven
    title: "[maintenance] Updated ${dependencyId}"
      max-open: 5
      max-updates-per-run: 2
    branch-prefix: "update/"
  - kinds: maven
      - "bazel run @unpinned_maven//:pin"
      - "maven_install.json"
    run-for: commit
  - commands: "buildifier --lint=fix -r ."
      - "**/*.bzl"
      - "**/BUILD.bazel"
      - "WORKSPACE"
    run-for: pull-request
    commit-message: "Apply buildifier"
  repository-name: maven

Rule Resolution

Bazel Steward has multiple configuration sections:

  • update-rules
  • search-paths
  • pull-requests
  • post-update-hooks

Each section contains a list of rules. Apart from fields specific to given section, each rule can contain special fields used for filtering: kinds and dependencies.

  • kinds - a kind of dependency, can be one of maven, bazel, bazel-rules, bzlmod. Useful to for example specify specific search paths for all maven dependencies.
  • dependencies - names of dependencies. Maven dependencies are in form of "{group}:{artifact}". Wildcard in form of * is allowed. For advanced use cases it is possible to use regex for matching using "regex:YOUR_REGEX" syntax. Useful for library specific settings, like overriding versioning schema.

These fields can be either a single string value or a list of values. In case of a list, the search predicate uses or.

When resolving which rule to use, Bazel Steward first checks rules with the dependencies key defined (in order they are declared) and then other rules (also in declaration order).


Check nested pages to read about each section.

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